Camping out on Country I


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Dorothy Edwards, Born: 1955 in Cairns, Queensland, Language Group: Kokotharpal, Clan Group: Kokoberrin

Area: Central Western Cape York Peninsula Homelands: Pinnarinch, Community: Cairns - Kowanyama – Normanton

Clan story place: Water Fairy, Totem Name: Minmandel (grey and white fish hawk)

Title: Camping out on Country I, 2023, wooden canvas, 30.5 x 40.5cm


As a young child we spent time living and camping on our traditional homelands and along the beach. It is because of this we learnt what bush foods we can eat from both the west coast and east coast of Far North Queensland. I remember mum taking us to camp with old man Dick Roughsey Goobalathaldin (deceased) and his wife Elsie (deceased). Goobalathaldin lived from 1920-1985 and was an artistic pioneer and legend of Queensland Aboriginal art from Cape York, Mornington Island. During his lifetime he painted artefacts and illustrated children’s books. He and Elsie used to camp on the beach at Holloways Beach and catch mud crab, fish, and stingrays. I remember sitting with Elsie and mum and they taught me how to mince up the stingray meat and make flat meat patties. We cooked them on the hot coals of a fire and ate them with ashes damper.


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