Green Swamp I


Out of stock


Dorothy Edwards, Born: 1955 in Cairns, Queensland, Language Group: Kokotharpal, Clan Group: Kokoberrin

Area: Central Western Cape York Peninsula Homelands: Pinnarinch, Community: Cairns - Kowanyama – Normanton

Clan story place: Water Fairy, Totem Name: Minmandel (grey and white fish hawk)

Title: Green Swamp I, 2023, canvas, 40 x 50cm


This artwork tells the story of green swamp. It is a place where our families used to camp and fish stay before townships were setup, and before most of our Kokoberrin families relocated. Today it is a place that our families go fishing to catch swamp turtle, fish, and gather freshwater mussel shells. After the monsoon season there are also lily flowers at this place. We often cook the stems of the lilies on the hot coals of the fire before eating them.


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