Fireflies I


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Dorothy Edwards, Born: 1955 in Cairns, Queensland, Language Group: Kokotharpal, Clan Group: Kokoberrin

Area: Central Western Cape York Peninsula Homelands: Pinnarinch, Community: Cairns - Kowanyama – Normanton

Clan story place: Water Fairy, Totem Name: Minmandel (grey and white fish hawk)

Title: Fireflies I, 2023, wooden canvas, 30.5 x 40.5cm


This artwork depicts all the plants and animals found at Nassau River, which is one of the main river systems in our Kokoberrin Homelands. It is a place our families go fishing and to gather saltwater mussel shells. The fish live in and around the mangrove trees along the riverbank. When fishing here at night you can see Fireflies in amongst the trees and along the riverside edges near standing water. Fireflies are beetles that produce cold light which makes their abdomen glow to attract mates. They also use these light flashes to communicate with each other. Our Kokoberrin people believe that these are our ancestors sprits watching over us. In this artwork you can see the little spots, which are the fireflies glowing at night.


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