Dorothy Edwards, Born: 1955 in Cairns, Queensland, Language Group: Kokotharpal, Clan Group: Kokoberrin
Area: Central Western Cape York Peninsula Homelands: Pinnarinch, Community: Cairns - Kowanyama – Normanton
Clan story place: Water Fairy, Totem Name: Minmandel (grey and white fish hawk)
Title: Little River II, 2023, Acrylic on linen board, 44 x 33cm
Framed (natural wood coloured frame)
When I was a young girl, my stepfather and mum took my siblings and I camping to a place called 'Little River', which is a saltwater river. I recall one day; we saw a saltwater crocodile. My siblings and I would go up to a place we called 'the sandpit', it was a freshwater lagoon by the beach, we would go fishing for small fish to feed them to the crocodile we named (Charlie). Many years later, there’s a big crocodile in that same river. We reckon its Charlie; he is probably about the same age as me.
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