Dorothy Edwards, Born: 1955 in Cairns, Queensland, Language Group: Kokotharpal, Clan Group: Kokoberrin
Area: Central Western Cape York Peninsula Homelands: Pinnarinch, Community: Cairns - Kowanyama – Normanton
Clan story place: Water Fairy, Totem Name: Minmandel (grey and white fish hawk)
Title: Waterloo I, 2023, Acrylic on linen board, 44 x 33cm
Framed (natural wood coloured frame)
As a young child I remember walking down to the water lagoons and along the way we collected berries. Sometimes we would walk for hours before finding a place to fish. My mum and aunties would tell us stories its where I learned much of our Kokoberrin culture, so it features in my artworks.
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